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CE3RN Meetings
The 2023 CE3RN
meeting was held at the Centre for
Advanced Academic Studies (CAAS) of the Zagreb University (minutes, group photo).
The 2020 CE3RN
meeting was held online (minutes, group photo).
The 2019 CE3RN
meeting was held at the Kövesligethy Radó Seismological Observatory (KRSZO) in Hungary (minutes, group photo).
The 2018 CE3RN
meeting was held at the XXXVI General Assembly of the European
Seismological Commission in Malta (minutes).
Real time seismicity of the CE3RN area
In order to improve the monitoring of seismic
activities in the border regions and to enhance the collaboration
countries and seismological institutions in Central Europe, the
Agency of the Slovenian Republic (ARSO), the Italian National Institute
Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS), the University of
(UniTS) in Italy and the Austrian Central Institute for Meteorology and
(ZAMG) established in 2001 the “South Eastern Alps Transfrontier
Seismological Network”.
In May 2014 ARSO, OGS, UniTS and ZAMG agreed to
formalize the “transfrontier” network and to expand their
cooperation, including institutions in other countries.
The Croatian Seismological Survey (CSS) joined CE3RN in
October 2014.
Hungarian Kövesligethy Radó Seismological Observatory (KRSZO) of
the Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences joined CE3RN in
October 2015.
The Albanian Institute of Geosciences, Energy,
Water and Environment (IGEWE) of the Polytechnic University of Tirana
joined CE3RN in November 2015.
The Czech Institute of Physics of the Earth
(IPE) of the Masaryk University in Brno joined CE3RN in
November 2015.
The National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy
and Geography (NIGGG) of the Bulgarian Academy of Science in Sofia
joined CE3RN in February 2016.
The Romanian National Institute for
Earth Physics (NIEP) in Bucharest joined CE3RN in
March 2016.
The Ukrainian Carpathian Branch of the
Institute of Geophysics (IGPH) in Lviv joined CE3RN in
June 2016.
The Earth Science Institute of the Slovak
Academy of Sciences (ESI SAS) in Bratislava joined CE3RN in
October 2016.
GeoRisk Ltd. (GeoRisk) in Budapest joined CE3RN in June 2020.
The Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics (IRSM) of the Czech
Academy of Sciences in Prague joined CE3RN in June 2020.
Map of CE3RN Parties (N.B.: some countries are involved only partially)
CE3RN Objectives
CE3RN Parties intend to
formalize and
possibly extend their ongoing cooperation in the field of seismological
acquisition, exchange and use for seismological and earthquake
engineering and
civil protection purposes.
The purpose of this cooperation is to:
Formally establish the cross-border network
Specify the rules of conduct in the network
management, improvements, extensions
and enlargements
Enhance seismological research in the region
Support civil protection activities
CE3RN Name
The Parties agree to formally establish the
border seismological network and to name it “Central and Eastern Europe
Earthquake Research Network”, (CE3RN or CE3R
Network) in order to locate it geographically since cross-border
networks can
be established in other areas of the world.
Use of the CE3RN data
The data will remain property of the
institutions that acquired them. The use of the CE3RN
data is
completely free among the Parties. Use of the data by someone outside
network and for commercial purposes is to be agreed on a case-by-case
The use of the data must be accompanied by an acknowledgement to the CE3RN.
CE3RN Contacts (network codes, DOIs)
Vojkova 1b, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia: Andrej Gosar, andrej.gosar(at)gov.si (SL, doi:10.7914/SN/SL)
ELKH CSFK FGI, Budaörsi út 45, 1112 Budapest, Hungary: István Bondár, bondar.istvan(at)csfk.org
Horvatovac 95, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia: Tomislav Fiket, tfiket(at)gfz.hr (CR, doi:10.7914/SN/CR)
ELKH FI KRSZO, Meredek u. 18, 1112 Budapest, Hungary: Erzsébet Győri, gyori(at)seismology.hu (HU, doi:10.14470/UH028726)
Dúbravská cesta 9, 840 05 Bratislava, Slovakia: Kristian Csicsay, kristian.csicsay(at)savba.sk (SK, doi:10.14470/FX099882)
GeoRisk, Budaörsi út 131A, 1118 Budapest, Hungary: Tóth László, toth(at)georisk.hu (HM, doi:10.7914/SN/HM)
Rruga Don Bosko 60, 1024 Tirana, Albania: Edmond Dushi, e.dushi(at)geo.edu.al (AC, doi:10.7914/SN/AC)
vul. Naukova 3B, 79060 Lviv, Ukraine: V. Dmytro Malytskyy, dmalytskyy(at)gmail.com
Tvrdeho 12, 60200 Brno, Czech Republic: Petr Spacek, petr.spacek(at)ipe.muni.cz (CZ, doi:10.7914/SN/CZ; M1, doi:10.14470/Z6115722)
IRSM, V Holesovickach 94/41, 182 09, Prague 8, Czech Republic: Lucia Fojtikova, fojtikova(at)irsm.cas.cz (CZ, doi:10.7914/SN/CZ)
Calugareni st. 12, 077825 Bucarest, Romania: Cristian Neagoe, cristian.neagoe(at)infp.ro (RO, doi:10.7914/SN/RO)
Bonchev str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria: Liliya Dimitrova, lidim(at)geophys.bas.bg (BS, doi:10.7914/SN/BS)
via Treviso 55, 33100 Udine, Italy: Damiano Pesaresi,
dpesaresi(at)inogs.it (OX, doi:10.7914/SN/OX)
via Weiss 2, 34127 Trieste, Italy: Giovanni Costa, costa(at)units.it (RF, doi:10.7914/SN/RF)
Geosphere Austria,
Hohe Warte 38, 1190 Vienna, Austria: Yan Jia, yan.jia(at)geosphere.at (OE, doi:10.7914/SN/OE)
Bragato, P.L., Costa, G., Gallo, A., Gosar, A.,
Horn, N., Lenhardt, W., Mucciarelli, M., Pesaresi, D., Steiner, R.,
P., Tiberi, L., Živčić, M., and Zoppé, G.: The Central
and Eastern European Earthquake Research Network - CE3RN,
General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 2 May 2014, B584,
EGU2014-13911, 2014. (abstract,
Pesaresi, D., Lenhardt, W., Rauch, M.,
Živčić, M., Steiner, R., Fabris, P., and Bertoni, M.: The
Interreg IV Italia-Austria "SeismoSAT" project: connecting seismic
data centres via satellite, Adv. Geosci., 36, 57-60, doi:10.5194/Adv.
Geosci.-36-57-2014, 2014. (abstract,
Elia, L., Gosar, A., Lenhardt, W., Mucciarelli,
Pesaresi, D., Picozzi, M., Živčić, M, and Zollo, A.: Testing the
"PRESTo" early warning algorithm with OGS, ARSO and ZAMG seismic
data: first results, EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 27
– 2 May 2014, EGU2014-13054, 2014. (abstract,
Pesaresi, D., Lenhardt, W., Rauch, M.,
Živčić, M., Steiner, R., and Bertoni, M.: "SeismoSAT"
project state of the art: connecting seismic data centres via
satellite, EGU
General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 2 May 2014, B573,
doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1382.6089, 2014. (abstract,
Picozzi, M., Elia, L., Gosar, A., Lenhardt, W.,
Mucciarelli, M., Pesaresi, D., Živčić, M., and Zollo, A.:
Testing the "PRESTo" Early Warning Algorithm in North-Eastern Italy,
Austria and Slovenia: update analysis, in: Proceedings of the Second
Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, Turkey,
August 2014, doi:10.13140/2.1.2396.0962, 2014. (extended
abstract, presentation)
Pesaresi, D., Lenhardt, W., Rauch, M.,
Živčić, M., Steiner, R., Bertoni, M., and Delazer, H.:
"SeismoSAT" project results in connecting seismic data centres via
satellite, EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April
2015, B340,
EGU2015-12334, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4438.4806, 2015. (abstract,
Picozzi, M., Elia, L., Pesaresi, D., Zollo, A.,
Mucciarelli, M., Gosar, A., Lenhardt, W., and Živčić, M.:
Transnational Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) in Northeastern Italy,
and Austria: first experience with PRESTo at the CE3R
Network, Adv.
Geosci., 40, 51-61, doi:10.5194/adgeo-40-51-2015, 2015. (abstract,
Pesaresi, D., Picozzi, M., Elia, L., Gosar, A.,
Lenhardt, W., Mucciarelli, M., Živčić, M., and Zollo, A.:
"PRESTo" Early Warning Algorithm at Central and Eastern European
Earthquake Research Network: Lessons from Configuring an High Density
Network, 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 30 June
S01ep-297, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1011.8240, 2015. (abstract,
D., Lenhardt, W., Rauch, M., Živčić, M., Steiner, R., Bertoni, M., and
Delazer, H.: "SeismoSAT" project results in connecting seismic data
centres via satellite, Adv. Geosci., 41, 83-87,
doi:10.5194/adgeo-41-83-2016, 2016. (abstract,
W., Pesaresi, D., Živčić, M., Costa, G., Kuk, K., Bondár, I., Duni, L.,
Spacek, P., Dimitrova, L., and Popa, M.: The Central and East European
Earthquake Research Network (CE3RN): current
status and future perspectives, EGU
General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April 2016, EGU2016-4087,
doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4520.4886, 2016. (abstract,
Bondár, I., Mónus, P., Czanik, C., Kiszely,
M., Gráczer, Z., Wéber, Z., and the AlpArray Working
Group: Relocation of Seismicity in the Pannonian Basin Using a Global
3D Velocity Model, Seismol. Res. Lett., XX (XX), 1-10,
doi:10.1785/0220180143, 2018. (article)
W. A., Pesaresi, D., Živčić, M., Costa, G., Fiket, T., Bondár, I.,
Duni, L., Spacek, P., Dimitrova, L., Neagoe, C., Malytskyy, D.,
Csicsay, K., Tóth, L., and Fojtikova, L.: Improving CrossBorder Seismic
Research: The Central and Eastern Europe Earthquake Research Network
(CE3RN), Seismol. Res. Lett. XX,1–9, doi:10.1785/0220200374, 2021. ( article)
Last update: 22 June 2023 by D. Pesaresi